4 easy steps to a happy life – Must try.


woman-1031111_1920.jpgYou can own a million-dollar business, live in the most expensive mansion, and it still won’t guarantee happiness. No amount of riches or power can protect you from the uncertainties of life. If only money could buy us a ticket to the future!

We cannot undo what’s done but should that lead us to fear the future? From life-coaches and motivational speakers to elders in the family and friends, we have all heard them say, at least once–

 “What’s gone is gone” or

 “Que Sera, Sera” (Whatever will be, will be)

These two mantras actually sum up the definition of happiness and peaceful living. All our worries are wrapped as regrets from the past or worries of the future. The funny thing is neither is in our control. And yet, we invest maximum of our energy, emotions and time trying to fight the rules of the universe when all we are expected to do is live in harmony with it.


Now since we are aware of the problem, finding a solution is no rocket science.

  • Let’s first deal with the devil called “past” –

No matter what your regret is, what mistakes you have committed – knowingly or unknowingly, the following 3-step guide is all that you have to follow. It’s easy, free and guarantees taking that burden of regrets right off your shoulders if you sincerely follow it. So here is what you have to do –

  • Step 1-ACCEPTANCE. Accept the past. Accept the situation. Accept your actions and intentions. Accept that it has happened and cannot be undone.
  • Step 2 – Take RESPONSIBILITY for it. Avoid blaming others and try to analyze how you can handle it better if a similar situation was to arise again.

All the solutions are hidden in our everyday activities. For example – What do you do when you are done sipping juice from a can? Do you take the empty can with you everywhere you go? No, right? You dispose it because that’s where the empty can is supposed to be. Once we have learnt a lesson from a particular incident in our life, it turns into an empty can. And that empty can is REGRETS; and folks, where does the empty can belong? – Trash. So put it there. That brings us to –

  • Step 3 – LETTING GO. Self-awareness plays a key role here. Be aware of the thoughts you allow in your mind. Every time you catch yourself thinking about what could have been done differently – stop yourself. Remind yourself of the lesson and change the course of your thoughts. Let go of the pain and hurt attached to the incident.

Make it a habit to follow this 3-step mantra and you will surely notice the burden being taken off your shoulders.

businessman-2556923_1920.jpgNow moving on to dealing with the fear of uncertainties, fear of the “future”-

Firstly, all those of us who manage to worry about the things that haven’t even happened and might not happen at all, deserve a monument dedicated to our capability of unnecessary worrying. Been there, done that. I have known what it’s like to create an endless chain of thoughts on how everything could go wrong. I almost won a Ph.D. in over-thinking. But after all the sleepless nights and days spent fearing “tomorrow”, I came out with nothing. ZERO. NADA.

But here’s great news for the community of “Over-thinkers” –It’s possible to put an end to the habit of constant worrying. And it’s an easy 1-step formula.

  • FOCUS ON THE PRESENT. Be occupied with what you love to do and do it with complete dedication. Will you rent your house to so burglars? Pessimism and fear are the burglars who steal your joy and peace if you let them occupy your mind. If your mind is full of positive things and your focus is on the present, there is no place for the joy-stealing negative thoughts.

ONE LIFE. Don’t let this beautiful life pass you by while juggling between the past and the future. Live – TODAY.

Feel free to share your experiences, suggestions or questions in the comments below. I would love to hear from you. Happy living, fellas! ♥
